Monday, May 31, 2010

Dreaming Of Cabo

I miss Mexico so much it's starting to be painful.  I've been going there since I was a kid, almost all our family vacations were in Baja, then as a teen ager I used to tell my parents I was going to the movies when really I was crossing the border raging in bars in Tijuana with my entire high school.  (They were a little lax checking id's.....)  As I got older I spent many weekends camping there with friends and every Christmas for 8 years bringing loads of gifts to an orphanage (which was the greatest feeling ever, funny how giving gives the giver so much) but then the INSANE violence began three years ago and I haven't been down there since, it's just too dangerous. What's going on in the border towns of Mexico is an absolute tragedy and it tears my heart apart.  Since I can no longer feel safe cruising a few hours south I've decided I must manifest a trip to gorgeous Cabo where it seems to be relatively safe.......

Happy Memorial Day!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fashion+Art = Genius

Francis Bacon was the inspiration for these amazing creations that are Geren Ford's Fall 2010 collection.  Geren Lockhart, the head designer for this LA contemporary brand, was in NY and was to meet a friend to see an exhibit of Bacon's work.  The friend canceled so Geren went alone, got the audio tour and had a life changing experience, she was so inspired by the artist himself that she bought every book on his life and thus created the above incredible gems. I love stories like this, its similar to how I started my jewelry line.  I went to met a friend for coffee at the spot she wanted (I really wanted to go to another cafe) then she was late and instead of being pissy I patiently strolled through an adjoining store, saw a half ass vintage jewelry line, knew I could do much better and wha la the entire course of my life changed forever...the lesson: go with the flow, you never know what's waiting for you!

P.S. Fabulous Alexis of Fern & Feather asked me to do her weekly Friday Take 5, to see my picks click here.

TGIF & have a great weekend everybody and to those in the States have a great Memorial Day three day!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sophia Loren

I'm so in the mood for some old school fabulous glamour and who better to give it than this gorgeous beauty?  As a small child I was mesmerized with this woman, and woman she was....the ultimate Italian enchantress who was the entire package.  Back in the day most actresses were bombshells that roamed the earth taking every man down to his knees, I miss that kind of lady.  I know there are beautiful modern divas but I think we need someone like this to re-emerge and entrance us all or maybe this kind of goddess only appears once never to be seen again......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jason Wu's Spring Eyewear

I just read a headline about Jason Wu's new line of eyewear named after iconic women of the past but as I went searching for pictures I was out of luck, I could have tried harder but when I saw his spring looks in stores now I loved them and thought they were worth posting, I really want the second pair! ( and need them badly.....) I will continue to search for the latest and greatest new styles and but for now let's spring into summer with these shades of beauty.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer's Hottest Shoes

Chinese Laundry

Vince Camuto


Boutique 9

....that is according to InStyle Magazine.  They had list of 27 pairs that are apparently "it" for the upcoming season, I can't say they all made me gush but these four definitely caught my eye.  To see the entire selection of must haves click here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kate & Vogue

A match made in fashion heaven don't you think?  I remember the first time I saw her I was stunned, she didn't look like any model I was used to and every single guy I knew was madly in love with her.  I think she's the most photogenic model ever with a face that never stops.  Its kind of crazy that while others have come and gone and come back on the scene again she never went anywhere and is still on top, even that little public drug incident lasted no longer the a ban of about three months.  I can't say she's trying to save the world like the other super models I've spotlighted of late but she has done her bit of charity work here and there and definitely deserves serious props for an insane career that at this point seems to have no end.......

Saturday, May 22, 2010


There never has and never will be anyone like Frida Kahlo, I think she wins the prize as the end all be all true one of a kind.  Always bejeweled, always intense, she radiated the energy of a tortured yet brilliant artist in every sense of the word and it's reflected in her ingenious work.  She is said to have painted herself so often because it's the subject she knew best and her physical, mental and emotional pain is played out on the canvas for the world to see. This is my tribute to her, my favorite painter ever, may she always be revered and remembered for her artistic greatness, incredible courage and amazing personal style. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chanel Ads

In my daydream fantasy I'm front and center in an ad wearing a fabulous Chanel gown that's long, the lightest pink and very pouffy with black smokey eyes, an amazing braid across the top of my hair completely bejeweled in a castle sitting on an ottoman leaning forward in a grand room with gray and yellow light streaming through a large window, a gorgeous chandelier is hanging above and my look is fierce, mysterious and alluring.....anyone else out there fantasize about such things??

TGIF for real people, it's been a long week, I'm soooo glad it's Friday, I'm worn out!!! Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gaultier in Moscow

John Paul Gaultier showed his latest designs in Moscow this past Saturday in the waiting hall of the Kazansky Railway Station.  The collection is titled "Real Haute Couture" and seems to have quite the nature vibe running through it while looking very Haute indeed.   I love seeing what uber famous designers do season after season, it can't be easy always creating something new, I know this with my tiny little tee shirt line, what they do I can't even imagine.....(I assume lots of coffee is very inspirational). I think these clothes vibrate his style in a very pure way and reflect the true art of his work which includes NO formal training, love it. To watch the live runway show click here.

Photos by Igor Kharitonov

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This sultry brazilian goddess is the top earning model according to the latest Forbes list. Personally I've always liked her and she's another stunning beauty who's using her status and money to help save the world (thank god, it really needs it....)  She's helped so many numerous charities (donates her image for free to the Amex Red Card to help wipe out aids in Africa, donated $1,500,000 to Haiti relief, donates a % of profits from her number one selling sandal company Ipanema, UN Ambassador for their Environment Program, etc) but the standout for me is not only her work to stop the deforestation of the Atlantic and Amazon Rain forests in Brazil but her reforesting efforts in the Atlantic absolutely rules , she has planted 25,000  trees with 100 different species!

I do have to say as I went scouring for pictures of her there were a few great fashion shots but let me tell ya 80% are partly naked or in a bikini, she's number one because sex definitely sells!   She's so on fire I wasn't able to make the pictures as big as I wanted because blogger couldn't take it, I'm not even kidding......

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Need To Do A Rain Dance!!

This CUTEST rain boot and accessories company (pronounced like "mauve"), offered to send me some gear to try out and my new gems are pictured below, let me just say I'm in LOVE!   Seriously, I think I might have to travel where it's winter just to wear them!!  They're so comfortable and stunningly chic, I was impressed! Check out their online store, everything is very reasonably priced and they have an amazing variety of boots, bags and accessories as well as unique rain pumps and sneakers.  I (of course) wanted the equestrian style but they have something for everyone, including cowgirls!  To see their current collection click here.

How adorable is their logo and how fabulous are my boots & bag??  Here's the link again, see for yourselves lovies.