Friday, April 30, 2010

Mark Rothko

Today's post is in honor of my friend of friends Yogi Proctor, this Englishman is like a brother to me, one of the greatest people ever and one of the most incredible artists of our time (just you watch). He's the one who put a paint brush in my hand and introduced me to Rothko, one of my all time favorite painters. This post has been brewing for months and now's the time...I see myself this summer wearing these paint colors while feeling the emotional depth of their nature....Rothko painted the religious experience he was having and eventually built his own church to house his work, I'm sensing many a spiritual awakening on the horizon all while looking colorful and smashing (at least the effort will be there).

Mark Rothko

"The fact that people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I can communicate those basic human emotions... the people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when painting them. And if you say you are moved only by their color relationships then you miss the point."

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I lost my mind when I went to their site, amazing.  I seriously want all of these....

P.S. When I looked up their manufacturing a lot of it's in Europe and they had "Highlights for the year" which included reducing their carbon footprint by less employee air travel, better located Headquarters, launched a foundation, established an intern program and were the founding member of Luxury Brands Sustainability Group...go Burberry, I will be buying their coats for sure.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Hunt Was A Success...

I really wanted a fabulous gold cuff for my collection since I posted about Oscar de la Renta's Pre Fall lovelies last Saturday and wha la, I found something similar enough in mint when that happens!  

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Christy Turlington

She's definitely one of my favorite models of all time, I loved her in the 90's. Although there have been many a gorgeous model since I don't think any of them have her unique other worldly beauty.  She's one of a kind (although my friend Molly comes pretty close...) and the fact that she's modeling again in her 40's is incredibly inspiring but that's not what prompted me to write about her, it's her inner beauty that's kick ass.  Having earned a masters degree in public health she donates her time to several charities including traveling the world with CARE helping to feed as many starving children as she can, that kind of beauty is divine.

Monday, April 26, 2010

iLe AiYE

This is for one of my other bff's in the world Ashley Davis (amazing woman, artist, designer, insane surfer, filmaker, hilarous human...)  I was just at her house Saturday night and the gorgeous Texas native was saying she has quite a plight in the Cali summer, she's used to 80 degree nights and the upper 60's here just aren't cutting it for her to enjoy a fun summer wardrobe once the sun sets.  I'm with her on this and suggested we wear our slinky clothes with sexy wraps, she agreed, told me to blog about it and what do you know without even thinking of our converstation the very next morning I find one of the BEST wrap/shrug stores on Etsy.  iLe Aiye is the perfect solution to our problem, this self taught knitter from London is divine, I want like 4 things now and seriously everything looks very Ashley (including the last picture, I could swear it's her modeling....)  Check out all iLe Aiye creations here and to those of you who have the same problem as us let's get summery and cozy in 2010.....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oscar Gold

            Two gorgeous Pre-Fall Oscar de la Renta gold cuffs....stunning.  

Maybe I'll score something similar on my hunt this weekend.....Happy Saturday.

Photos from Bergdorf Goodman.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Christian Louboutin Advertises

How insane are these images?? gave a sneak peak of Christian Louboutin's first ads ever based on classic stories and fairy tales, they look more like prints to hang on the wall!  According to the site they're a bit mysterious, since no logo or name is attached it's assumed they're for advertising purposes to be used in Russia or the Middle East "due to the opulence".  Apparently this brand has never had an advertising campaign before, it's been unnecessary to their success.  I hope they continue to create future ads, high fashion meets fine art incased in classic literature, it doesn't get much better than that.

To see all of the fairy tale ads click here.

Photos by Khuong Nguyen

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gloria Vanderbilt

A few weeks back I was having coffee with two of my dearest friends Monica and Haydee, it had been both of their b-days and I presented them with jewels from my collection.  Upon seeing the necklace I gave Monica Haydee said "It's so Gloria Vanderbilt."  That stuck with me for weeks so I decided to post about vintage Vanderbilt designs but ended up getting caught up in the woman herself!  She was stunning and chic as all can be but what really struck me was the assumption that if your beautiful and grow up in a famous wealthy family you're happy....that's just not always the case. She dealt with extreme loneliness as a small child (her parents were more concerned with jet setting than raising their daughter) and heartbreaking personal tragedies as an adult yet had the ability to rise above adversity, depression and predisposed prestige to create something amazing.  May we all leave the past behind and manifest the life we so desire (while looking extremely fabulous.......)

See the latest Gloria Vanderbilt designs here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Haider Ackermann

I love this picture and I'm loving his clothes, to see why click here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

They Know Stuff

The Temper Trap

I've been on a bit of a live music run thanks to my friend Andrew Broschart of They Know Stuff, a music blog that's top notch.  I don't know about they but he certainly knows  a lot like Ed Sharpe coming to town and as we gushed about what a healing evening of live music that was he informs me "Hey, The Temper Trap is playing Monday night..."  as in my new favorite.  Andrew's so in the know that bands are now sending him their new music and local radio stations are calling up as well....I love my genius friends.  To all you music lovers his blog's a must, all posts come with a song to sample and he even throws in a few restaurant reviews, check it out here and to see the Temper Trap live click here.

P.S. I have to give props to Andrew's darling wife Bridget who knew about a few secret tickets to last night's show because the club called her and I got hooked up, she's a bit in the know herself.  

THE TEMPER TRAP ROCKED THE HOUSE, they're incredible...see this band too!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tribal Summer

I'm not really a hippie but I'm certainly tribal and according to WWD that trend is in for Summer 2010.  Tan bare feet, dark painted nails, feathers in the hair..I'm all for it.  Mix it up with some shell jewelry (which I've been collecting), throw on a fabulous flowing dress and it's on .

Faith Connexion silk dress with Meghan Fabulous' cotton cape and Twinkle by Wenlan's chiffon and nylon pant, Zimmermann silk dress, Zoran Dobricks silk chiffon dress, Tony Cholen chiffon dress.

All photos from WDD by Luke Gilford

Friday, April 16, 2010

Flaming Cocktail Anyone??

I took the last few days off giving myself a bit of a spring break (it's been wonderful, I highly recommend it) and I'd like to round it out with a fabulous flaming cocktail.
Happy Weekend!!!

P.S. Well, we haven't made it to Greece yet but Molly and I did make it to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros last night in the coziest little club in the world the night before they make their way to play for 100,000 at Coachella.  They were AMAZING and the most casual, fun band I've ever seen completely hanging out with the crowd literally (at one point the singer jumped down and danced amongst the masses).  They ended the show with a ballad inviting anyone to join them on the stage and got everyone else in the club sitting on the floor, I've never seen such a thing.....if they come to your town GO

Thursday, April 15, 2010


My BFF Molly has decided to join me on my quest to go to as many fashion shows from around the world (until we die) and first on our list is Greece.  She was inspired by the post on Dimitris Dassios (Greek Fashion Week) then I followed it with World Fashion Fall 2010 and that was it,  she jumped on board ready to see catwalks across the globe.  Since I compared Dassios' amazing clothes to the beaches of his homeland I had to post some pictures of the white beauties, the clothes will be the motivating factor to get to Greece but lounging on the beaches will be at the top of the list!  The Pantheon will be another must as well as shopping in Athens...we'll definitely stay somewhere fabulous, I just have to figure out how to get us into some show's....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Princess Grace

I've been wanting to do a post on this royal for the last few months and now seems like a fitting time since she's on the cover of Vanity Fair. What a stunning woman she was and one who will forever be remembered as the most beautiful princess who lived out the ultimate fantasy. Making one's way from Hollywood to Monoco would be a dream for any starry eyed actress but Grace had her name instilled in her aura and carried herself with class and style for she was truly noble.  Her life ended far too young, may she always be remembered for her stunning beauty, incredible talent and the beautiful legacy she's left behind.